Stopping a cell

Thx for creating this tool.

An executing cell shows a green vertical bar & then tiny, gray elapsed time. The Run triangle doesn’t change to a Stop square. What’s the UI for Stop?

Settings > RunningComputations shuts down the executor. This is overkill.

Unless the cell is changed, it won’t re-run.

When a cell is re-run, its output isn’t cleared prior to running. advertises Import. How?

Would be nice to show AWS usage.


Hello there!

What’s the UI for Stop?
Unless the cell is changed, it won’t re-run.

There are no such buttons yet, unfortunately, these are known problems, and we will try to fix these issues in the upcoming releases. As a temporary workaround you can comment the code (I know it’s awkward) to interrupt the evaluation.

When a cell is re-run, its output isn’t cleared prior to running.

Existing output should be cleared only when the new output is produced, please see the example:


Please provide more details if it’s not true in your case.

Import. How?

The options you are looking for is in the dropdown menu for the “New notebook” button:

Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 17.26.58

We’ll see how can we improve reachability here.

It is also possible to drag’n’drop *.ipynb and *.datalore files directly to the File System page to import them.

Would be nice to show AWS usage.

Good point! We’ll discuss it within the team.

Thank you for the input, it’s really important to us!

Thx for your reply.

In Process: Seems to be hyperlinked but clicking seems to do nothing.

clearing after cell execution: Ideally, it would clear before & stream the output. If not possible, clear before or gray out.

cell executed indicator: The left border turns green during execution but how do I know a cell was executed if it has no output? Perhaps leave the execution time showing.

executing multiple cells: Maybe I’m the only one but I’m thinking a checkbox to select multiple cells & an Execute button.

input(prompt): Shows prompt but doesn’t seem to accept input.

In Process: Seems to be hyperlinked but clicking seems to do nothing.

It places your caret to the currently evaluating cell. At least is should – let me know if it doesn’t work for you

clearing after cell execution: Ideally, it would clear before & stream the output. If not possible, clear before or gray out.

We thought of such an approach a long time ago, a lot has changed since then, maybe it’s time to discuss the idea again :slight_smile:

cell executed indicator: The left border turns green during execution but how do I know a cell was executed if it has no output? Perhaps leave the execution time showing.

Actually it behaves like that, but the timer is displayed only if the evaluation took more than 0.1 second:

And in ipython and non-live modes an asterisks is displayed for a non-evaluated cell:

We’ll think on how we can improve this, thanks.

executing multiple cells: Maybe I’m the only one but I’m thinking a checkbox to select multiple cells & an Execute button.

Actually it might be useful, but with the current implementation it would only be applicable for ipython mode, and in ipython mode, it seems necessary to specify the execution order as well. I created a ticket for such a function, but no promises that it will be implemented.

input(prompt): Shows prompt but doesn’t seem to accept input.

Oh, it’s a known issue, I’ll upvote it.

The requested feature was implemented and deployed some time ago :partying_face:

Now in the default mode (non-live) there is a ‘Stop’ button for the running cells:

Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 16.23.46

And in the Live computation mode you can interrupt the evaluation via Kernel -> Interrupt Kernel menu option:

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