Installing from conda channel

Hi there,

I’m checking out DataLore for the first time—very cool!

My question/issue is on installing packages via conda. I see in the Library Manager that you can search for and install packages that are available via pip and conda, but it isn’t clear which conda channels are searched or how to add channels.

I think that conda-forge is being searched, but how can I add another channel?


Hi! Thanks for your feedback.

Unfortunately we doesn’t have management of conda settings in Library Manager yet. We definitely will extend it further.

The only way to achieve this at the moment is use bash magics in IPython kernel:

conda config --add channels

got it, thanks! For now I’ll use the IPython kernel.

Also, if you are still want to use Datalore kernel abilities, you can switch back to it after setting up your conda environment.

Hi Ilya,

I’m having some trouble with this—I’m getting some error about the conda command not being recognized when I do:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels cantera
conda install -y pint cantera

The pint install from conda-forge seems to work, but the second install does not and leads to some strange errors. Any ideas?

Sorry, it looks like we have a problem with conda distributed with our application. We’ll try to fix soon and keep you updated. Thanks for your feedback!